15 Great Resources to Help Manage Your Time

If a commodity is so expensive that it cannot be purchased even with enormous amounts of money, then we know that it is invaluable. Time is that commodity, which is available in a measured quantity to everyone on earth. In a day we all get 24 hours, but only a few of us know how to make use of those precious few hours. Below is a set of sources which teach you to maximize your productivity by managing the time available.

  1. Life Hack: 10 ways to improve your time management skills.


  1. Harvard Business Review: Learn how to plan if you are new to organizing time


  1. Businessballs: A detailed guide to managing your time


  1. Management Skill Advisor: This article deals with the basics of time management starting from its definition.


  1. Time Management Central: The TMC provides you with tools and resources to manage your time.


  1. James Madison University: This university guide provides tips and strategies to use your time more effectively.


  1. Ywam: This article takes a different perspective and analyzes the possible reasons that could result in your current time management strategies being ineffective.


  1. American Management Association: Take seminars on time management on this site.


  1. Social Media Week: 7 time management lessons from 3 of the busiest business leaders


  1. ERC: Take a time management course here


  1. Sophia: Time management as a learning strategy


  1. UX Planet: A detailed guide to time management


  1. NEA Member Benefits: Time management tips for work-life balance.
