New CAPM Certification Syllabus

Introducing the new CAPM Certification Syllabus

Great news for aspiring project management professionals: the updated CAPM certification syllabus and exam has been launched on 25th July 2023. Stay ahead with the revised CAPM exam syllabus, designed to equip professionals with the latest tools and knowledge, essential for success in the dynamic world of project management.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your career prospects with the latest CAPM exam outline and enhance your expertise in the field. Get ready to conquer the exam with confidence!

What’s New in the Updated CAPM Certification Syllabus?

According to the CAPM exam curriculum 2023, there are 3 main concepts in the CAPM syllabus. Let us look into them now:

  • Domain: It refers to a fundamental knowledge area essential for effective project management practice. Within each domain, specific "Tasks" outline the responsibilities and duties of project team members.
  • Tasks: The core duties and obligations of the project team member within each domain.
  • Enablers: Exemplary instances showcasing the work related to the task. It is important to note that enablers are not intended to be an exhaustive list; rather, they provide a few examples to demonstrate the scope of the task

A Detailed Look at CAPM Course Content Outline

The CAPM content outline is a comprehensive and structured outline of the topics and concepts covered in the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam. It serves as a roadmap for aspiring project managers, guiding them through the essential knowledge areas and best practices in project management.

There are 4 new domains in the new CAPM syllabus. The below table explains the new content outline for CAPM exam:

Domain Percentage
Project Management Fundamentals and Core Concepts 36%
Predictive, Plan-Based Methodologies 17%
Agile Frameworks/Methodologies 20%
Business Analysis Frameworks 27%

Let us now look into a detailed description of the CAPM exam topics:

Domain 1 Project Management Fundamentals and Core Concepts – 36%
Task 1 Demonstrate an understanding of the various project life cycles and processes: 
  • Distinguish between a project, a program, and a portfolio
  • Distinguish between a project and operations
  • Distinguish between predictive and adaptive approaches
  • Distinguish between issues, risks, assumptions, and constraints
  • Review/critique project scope
  • Apply the project management code of ethics to scenarios (refer to PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct)
  • Explain how a project can be a vehicle for change
Task 2 Demonstrate an understanding of project management planning:
  • Describe the purpose and importance of cost, quality, risk, schedule, etc.
  • Distinguish between the different deliverables of a project management plan versus product management plan
  • Distinguish differences between a milestone and a task duration
  • Determine the number and type of resources in a project
  • Use a risk register in a given situation
  • Use a stakeholder register in a given situation
  • Explain project closure and transitions.
Task 3 Demonstrate an understanding of project roles and responsibilities:
  • Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of project managers and project sponsors
  • Compare and contrast the roles and responsibilities of the project team and the project sponsor
  • Explain the importance of the role the project manager plays (e.g., initiator, negotiator, listener, coach, working member, and facilitator)
  • Explain the differences between leadership and management
  • Explain emotional intelligence (EQ) and its impact on project management
Task 4 Determine how to follow and execute planned strategies or frameworks (e.g., communication, risks, etc.):
  • Give examples of how it is appropriate to respond to a planned strategy or framework (e.g., communication, risk, etc.)
  • Explain project initiation and benefit planning.
Task 5 Demonstrate an understanding of common problem-solving tools and techniques:
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of a meeting
  • Explain the purpose of focus groups, standup meetings, brainstorming, etc.

Domain 2 Predictive, Plan-Based Methodologies – 17%
Task 1 Explain when it is appropriate to use a predictive, plan-based approach:
  • Identify the suitability of a predictive, plan-based approach for the organizational structure (e.g., virtual, colocation, matrix structure, hierarchical, etc.)
  • Determine the activities within each process.
  • Give examples of typical activities within each process
  • Distinguish the differences between various project components
Task 2 Demonstrate an understanding of a project management plan schedule:
  • Apply critical path methods
  • Calculate schedule variance
  • Explain work breakdown structures (WBS).
  • Explain work packages
  • Apply a quality management plan
  • Apply an integration management plan
Task 3 Determine how to document project controls of predictive, plan based projects:
  • Identify artifacts that are used in predictive, plan-based projects
  • Calculate cost and schedule variances.

Domain 3 Agile Frameworks/Methodologies – 20%
Task 1 Explain when it is appropriate to use an adaptive approach:
  • Compare the pros and cons of adaptive and predictive, plan-based projects
  • Identify the suitability of adaptive approaches for the organizational structure (e.g., virtual, colocation, matrix structure, hierarchical, etc.)
  • Identify organizational process assets and enterprise environmental factors that facilitate the use of adaptive approaches
Task 2 Determine how to plan project iterations:
  • Distinguish the logical units of iteration
  • Interpret the pros and cons of the iteration
  • Translate this WBS to an adaptive iteration. Determine inputs for scope
  • Explain the importance of adaptive project tracking versus predictive, plan-based tracking
Task 3 Determine how to document project controls for an adaptive project:
  • Identify artifacts that are used in adaptive projects
Task 4 Explain the components of an adaptive plan:
  • Distinguish between the components of different adaptive methodologies (e.g., Scrum)
  • Extreme Programming (XP), Scaled Adaptive Framework (SAFe®), Kanban, etc.)
Task 5 Determine how to prepare and execute task management steps:
  • Interpret success criteria of an adaptive project management task
  • Prioritize tasks in adaptive project management.

Domain 4 Business Analysis Frameworks – 27%
Task 1 Demonstrate an understanding of business analysis (BA) roles and responsibilities:
  • Distinguish between stakeholder roles (e.g., process owner, process manager, product manager, product owner, etc.)
  • Outline the need for roles and responsibilities (Why do you need to identify stakeholders in the first place?).
  • Differentiate between internal and external roles
Task 2 Determine how to conduct stakeholder communication:
  • Recommend the most appropriate communication channel/tool (e.g., reporting, presentation, etc.)
  • Demonstrate why communication is important for a business analyst between various teams (features, requirements, etc.).
Task 3 Determine how to gather requirements. Match tools to scenarios (e.g., user stories, use cases, etc.):
  • Identify the requirements gathering approach for a situation (e.g., conduct stakeholder interviews, surveys, workshops, lessons learned, etc.)
  • Explain a requirements traceability matrix/product backlog
Task 4 Demonstrate an understanding of product roadmaps:
  • Explain the application of a product roadmap
  • Determine which components go to which releases
Task 5 Determine how project methodologies influence business analysis processes:
  • Determine the role of a business analyst in adaptive and/or predictive, plan-based approaches.
Task 6 Validate requirements through product delivery:
  • Define acceptance criteria (the action of defining changes based on the situation)
  • Determine if a project/product is ready for delivery based on a requirements traceability matrix/product backlog

Final Thoughts

With a focus on aligning professionals with industry standards, the CAPM course Syllabus is a vital resource for individuals seeking to establish a strong foundation in project management and obtain a globally recognized credential to advance their careers in this competitive field.

By mastering the domains and understanding the underlying responsibilities, professionals enhance their project management skills and gain a competitive career edge. For those seeking a well-structured and effective preparation program, Invensis Learning's CAPM Certification Course offers comprehensive training, expert guidance, and practical insights to ensure success in the certification journey.

With Invensis Learning's CAPM Certification, aspiring project managers can confidently navigate the exam and unlock a world of opportunities in the dynamic field of project management.

Embark on your CAPM journey today and pave the way for a rewarding and fulfilling career in project management.

Popular FAQs on the CAPM Certification Syllabus

The CAPM Certification Syllabus outlines the topics and concepts covered in the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) exam. It encompasses high-level knowledge areas, domains, and the underlying responsibilities, referred to as tasks, that project team members should understand for effective project management practice.

The CAPM Syllabus is organized into domains representing fundamental knowledge areas essential for project management. Within each domain, specific tasks outline the core responsibilities of project team members related to that domain. These tasks are further supported by illustrative examples called enablers, offering a glimpse of the work associated with each task.

No, the enablers provided in the CAPM course outline are not exhaustive lists. Instead, they serve as illustrative examples to help candidates better understand the scope of the tasks. The enablers offer a few examples of the work related to each task but do not cover every possible aspect.

Invensis Learning's CAPM Certification course offers a comprehensive training program to equip professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in the CAPM exam. The course covers all the domains and tasks outlined in the CAPM course outline, providing expert guidance and practical insights.

With Invensis Learning's CAPM Certification, aspiring project managers can confidently navigate the exam and enhance their project management expertise, opening doors to exciting career opportunities.

The difficulty level of the CAPM exam can vary depending on an individual's background, experience, and level of preparation. While some candidates may find it challenging due to the comprehensive syllabus and the need to understand project management concepts, others with prior knowledge may find it more manageable.

Success lies in thorough preparation, utilizing study materials, and enrolling in a reputable CAPM certification course to build a strong foundation in project management principles and practices.

Preparing for the CAPM course requires a systematic approach and dedication. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Understand the CAPM Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the CAPM curriculum, which outlines the domains, tasks, and knowledge areas covered in the exam
  2. Enroll in a CAPM Certification Course: Consider enrolling in a reputable CAPM certification course like Invensis Learning's CAPM® Certification program. These courses provide structured learning, expert guidance, and practice exams to help you prepare effectively
  3. Study Materials: Utilize CAPM study materials, textbooks, and online resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of project management concepts
  4. Practice Exams: Take practice exams regularly to assess your progress and identify areas that require further improvement
  5. Create a Study Plan: Develop a study plan to cover all the topics within a suitable time frame, ensuring consistent and focused preparation
  6. Stay Consistent and Motivated: Consistency is key to success. Stay motivated and dedicated to your study routine, and maintain a positive mindset throughout preparation

By following these steps and utilizing the right resources, you can approach the CAPM course with confidence and increase your chances of achieving a passing score on the exam.

FAQs on CAPM Exam Prep

What topics are covered in CAPM training?

CAPM training covers various project management topics, including project lifecycle, processes, integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communication management, risk management, and procurement management.

CAPM certification is versatile and valuable in almost any industry involving projects. This includes IT, healthcare, construction, finance, consulting, manufacturing, and more.

Obtaining a CAPM certification can validate your skills and knowledge if you're already working in a project management role without formal certification. It also helps you gain a more structured understanding of project management processes.

While the CAPM certification can enhance your earning potential, salary negotiations are influenced by various factors, including your experience, location, the specific job role, and the organization's compensation policies.

Having the CAPM certification showcases your dedication to learning and your commitment to the project management field. It gives you a competitive edge when applying for entry-level project management positions.

Yes, many professionals transition into project management with the help of a CAPM certification. If you have transferable skills and a desire to work in project management, CAPM can provide you with the necessary knowledge to make the switch.

You can include your CAPM certification in the "Education" or "Certifications" section of your resume. On LinkedIn, you can add it under the "Licenses & Certifications" section. Be sure to mention your achievement in your summary or headline as well.

Yes, CAPM is recognized by employers around the world. It's offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a highly respected organization in project management.

Absolutely. As you gain experience working on projects and demonstrate your skills, you can work up to more senior project management roles. CAPM can serve as a foundation for further growth and development in the field.

CAPM certification demonstrates your commitment to project management and willingness to learn and apply principles. This can make you a more attractive candidate for entry-level project management positions.

Yes, CAPM is a globally recognized certification. It demonstrates your understanding of universal project management principles, making it valuable for pursuing project management roles internationally.

One of the advantages of CAPM certification is that it's designed for individuals with limited or no project management work experience. It's a great way to enter and build your project management career.

Look for training providers that PMI approves. Check for reviews, testimonials, and recommendations from individuals who have taken the training. Ensure the training covers the CAPM exam content outline and offers comprehensive study materials. Considering Invensis Learning's CAPM Certification course is a good choice.

Some common job roles that can be pursued with a CAPM certification include project coordinator, project analyst, project assistant, junior project manager, and project team member.

While the CAPM certification is not designed to make you a full-fledged project manager, it can be a stepping stone. With the CAPM certification, you can work in project-related roles, gain experience, and gradually move to more advanced positions like project manager.

The CAPM certification can open doors to various entry-level project management and project coordination roles in IT, construction, healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and more industries.

Yes, you can retake the CAPM exam if you do not pass on your first attempt. PMI provides information about retake policies, waiting periods, and fees on its website.

The CAPM exam provides approximately 1.2 minutes per question. Use your time wisely, and if you encounter difficult questions, consider marking them for review and moving on. You can return to the marked ones once you've answered all the questions.

Yes, many CAPM exam prep resources include practice exams that simulate the actual exam environment. Taking these practice exams helps you become familiar with the question format and assess your readiness.

The CAPM exam is a certification exam offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) that assesses your understanding of fundamental project management concepts. It's beneficial for individuals who want to validate their project management knowledge, even if they have little work experience in the field.

After completing CAPM training and obtaining certification, you can pursue roles such as project coordinator, assistant project manager, or any position that involves working within project teams. The certification can open doors to entry-level project management positions across various industries.

Yes, CAPM certification can serve as a stepping stone to the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. As you gain more project management experience, you can pursue PMP certification, which is a more advanced certification offered by PMI.

Many training providers offer CAPM training online, allowing you to study at your own pace. Invensis Learning is one such trainer provider that provides online CAPM training.

Yes, the skills and knowledge gained from CAPM certification are transferable across industries. It can be a great way to enter a new industry and showcase your commitment to professional development.

General FAQs

What are the modes of training provided by Invensis Learning?

Invensis Learning provides 5 different modes of training in the form of:

  • Instructor-led live online (virtual) training
  • Instructor-led classroom training
  • On-site group training
  • Focused 1-to-1 training
  • Self-paced E-learning

You can enroll for training by following below mentioned points:

  • Select a course
  • Select a schedule of your choice
  • Select the mode of your training
  • Click on “Enrol Now” button
  • Fill the necessary details to make the payment
  • Get all the course materials to prepare for the training
  • Join the training on the scheduled date

Yes, you can opt for a customized schedule which is not there on the website. But getting custom schedules will depend on few criteria mentioned below:

  • Focused 1-to-1 training can be customized as per your choice
  • Group training of more than 5 participants can be customized
  • On-site training can be customized as per clients’ requirement

Please check the website regularly to check for new offers and discounts happening throughout the year. You can also get in touch with one of our training consultants through chat to check if any discounts are available.
For all the certification training courses, you will receive their official certificate. Upon completion of the certification exam, the results will be immediately announced. If a participant has cleared the exam, your digital certificate will be made available immediately. But, if you require a hard copy of the certificate, you may incur additional cost and it will be delivered to your address in 2-3 weeks of time.

Once you enroll for training from Invensis Learning, you will receive:

  • A copy of course material
  • Study guide Prepared by SMEs
  • Practice Tests
  • Retrospective session
  • Access to free resources
  • Complimentary additional training session
  • PDUs for relevant courses
  • Course completion certificate/Official certificate

Please check out our refund policy page to know more if you cancel your enrollment.

No, English is the preferred language for the mode of training delivery. Any language other than English will have to be custom request which will be fulfilled at additional cost and availability of a native language trainer.
If you would like to know more about a course, you can mail us at or call us at (+91 96202-00784) or chat with our training consultant to get your query resolved.

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