Difference between DevOps and DevSecOps
Difference between DevOps and DevSecOps

The software development landscape is continuously at the edge of innovation, as the need for change indicates the continuous deployment of disruptive technologies. At every turn of the wave reaches a unique development methodology. 

There used to be a point in which a conflict erupted in the practitioners of the waterfall framework, which limited each computer science part to its function, and adopters of the agile structure, which announced the end of bottlenecks and the opening of a collaborative and cyclical growth method.

Today, several—if not most—software development professionals have embraced the agile methodology. The course has changed from improving the process to prioritizing abilities, which resulted in advanced development methodologies like DevOps, SecOps, and DevSecOps. 

DevOps prioritizes performance time, SecOps prioritizes security, and DevSecOps tries to combine the two objectives. 

In this article, we have covered the main differences between DevOps and DevSecOps, however, before delving into the differences, let’s first get a holistic understanding of each concept. 

What is DevOps

The DevOps methodology blends two components of computer science. The abbreviation ‘Dev’ describes software development, while ‘Ops’ describes information technology services. 

The purpose of DevOps is to improve the pace of software performance by allowing constant collaboration, intelligence, automation and combination. Through the importance of DevOps throughout the development pipeline, developers get control over the product infrastructure, which enables the prioritization of software performance over any other purpose.

What is SecOps?

The SecOps methodology blends two components of computer science. The abbreviation ‘Sec’ describes cybersecurity, while ‘Ops’ describes information technology services. 

The purpose of SecOps is to improve the level of protection by prioritizing security at any degree or cycle of the pipeline. SecOps turns salvation into a dynamic process, in which all people involved share the responsibility for ensuring the purpose. When developers and security professionals join organizations, security becomes a social effort sooner than a reconsideration.

What is DevSecOps?

The DevSecOps methodology fuses DevOps with SecOps, forming a cyclical system for software development, technology operations, and cybersecurity. 

The object of DevSecOps is to support the accelerated development of a stable codebase. Instead of prioritizing development activity or security, the DevSecOps methodology encourages developers and security professionals to find a healthy perspective. Through the application of a flexible structure, development and security teams can help continuously.

Key Connections of DevOps, SecOps, and DevSecOps

1. Communication and Collaboration

The trio methodologies know that regular teamwork is vital for increasing production activity. All three secure the use of the agile framework to facilitate a dynamic and continuous work method that opens all ways of communication and promotes collaboration at all stages of the development cycle.

2. Automation

While DevOps prioritizes software control speed overall, effectiveness remains an essential priority for SecOps and DevSecOps. Automation is the use of assigning tasks to technologies that require different degrees of assistance if any. The automation of development, operations, and security tasks encourage teams to achieve more goals in a shorter time.

3. Continuous Processes

The purpose of a continuous process guarantees that the principal objectives of each methodology are met at every step of the development cycle. There are no more major siloed departments that form bottlenecks. Instead, teams and technologies work collectively to continuously:

  • Deliver different applications and software updates
  • Monitor, log and investigate the codebase and security edge
  • Integrate renewed and examined codebase with a convenient repository

Key Components of DevOps

1. Microservices

Microservices Developers use microservice structures, which make the software from a line of committed services, to improve the production rate. A microservice is an appeal with one different function. It has one capacity, such as preparing an online payment or routing web traffic. Each microservice can run autonomously in a container or virtual machine (VM).

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the method of using code to control and automate computing devices such as physical devices and virtual machines. Developers use IaC to automate the support of the IT operations, preceding manual systems for the goal of cutting back on decreasing time wasted on managing IT operations.

3. Policy as Code (PaC)

Policy as Code (PaC) is the usage of working code to control and automate policies. Systems may include the organization’s description of decent use of technology, and the general security and IT systems. Developers make the policy prepared in a code format, which allows the automated application of the policy in account control, and automated testing and deployment.

Key Elements of DevSecOps

1. Moving Security to the Left

Moving left is the work of running a task to a more advanced stage in the development period. Shifting security to the left guarantees that security measures are engaged from the beginning when the codebase is leading developed. The development cycle can continue not only when the application specs are satisfied, but when the codebase is appropriately secure.

2. Continuous Feedback Loop

A continuous feedback loop guarantees that all team features are automatically prompted to promote the development and support of the software. Continuous feedback ensures that automated processes constantly control the software for warnings, then provide developers and security experts with real-time alerts. All teams can then collaboratively implement fixes.

3. Automated Security

Automation is a critical element in assuring that DevSecOps models and practices are met at every step of the construction lifecycle. Automation supports DevSecOps teams’ work to cover more security duties, in less time, including automated code analysis, agreement monitoring, warning investigation, and security practice.

Conclusion—The Distinction Between DevOps and DevSecOps

DevOps and DevSecOps methodologies experience related features, including the use of automation and constant methods for building collaborative cycles of development. Yet, while DevOps prioritizes delivery speed, DevSecOps changes security to the left. 

Initially, DevSecOps methods may improve the development time but will guarantee that the codebase is protected from its beginning. After some training, and once the agreement is fully adopted into the development method, teams will gain the benefit of increasing their work and delivery speed for stable codebases.

To learn more about DevOps and how adopting it in any organization can greatly improve the software development process, enroll in our industry-recognized DevOps Certification Courses today! 

Some of the popular DevOps Certification Courses are:

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Ethan Miller is a technology enthusiast with his major interest in DevOps adoption across industry sectors. He works as a DevOps Engineer and leads DevOps practices on Agile transformations. Ethan possesses 8+ years of experience in accelerating software delivery using innovative approaches and focuses on various aspects of the production phase to ensure timeliness and quality. He has varied experience in helping both private and public entities in the US and abroad to adopt DevOps and achieve efficient IT service delivery.


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