communication within six sigma team

Effective Six Sigma communication is the foundation of a successful Six Sigma project. In a fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, team members need to communicate effectively with each other to achieve their goals. Six Sigma is a data-driven approach to problem-solving that focuses on continuous improvement and increased efficiency. 

However, even the best Six Sigma initiatives can succeed with proper communication. This blog will explore the importance of effective communication within a Six Sigma team, provide tips for developing strong communication skills, and highlight strategies for overcoming common communication barriers. 

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to establish effective Six Sigma communication within the team to drive positive results through clear and efficient communication.

Importance of Effective Communication in Six Sigma Teams

Effective Six Sigma communication is essential for the success of the project as it ensures that team members are aligned, informed, and able to collaborate effectively towards a common goal. 

The following are some of the key reasons why effective communication is important in Six Sigma teams:

  • Sharing Information: Six Sigma teams must share information, data, and insights to make informed decisions. Effective communication helps ensure that all team members have access to the information they need to do their jobs
  • Building Trust: Effective communication builds trust among team members, allowing them to work together effectively. This is particularly important in a Six Sigma team, whose members may have different backgrounds, skills, and expertise
  • Improving Collaboration: Effective communication enables team members to collaborate effectively and helps break down barriers to communication and collaboration. This leads to better decision-making, problem-solving, and results
  • Resolving Conflicts: Effective communication helps resolve conflicts by ensuring that team members understand each other’s perspectives and concerns

Effective Six Sigma communication is crucial for the success of Six Sigma teams, as it helps ensure that team members are aligned, informed, and able to work together effectively towards a common goal.

Also read the blog on 7 C’s of Effective Communication with examples to make your communication more effective!

Understanding Six Sigma Communication Styles Used in Teams

Effective Six Sigma communication is the key for the success of the team, as it helps ensure that team members are aligned, informed, and able to collaborate effectively towards a common goal. In addition, understanding and appreciating different communication styles can help improve communication within the team

In Six Sigma teams, individuals may have different communication styles, which can be broadly categorized into four types: Assertive, Aggressive, Passive, and Effective. Each style has its strengths and weaknesses, and by recognizing and appreciating these styles, team members can adapt their communication methods to collaborate effectively.

By recognizing and appreciating the communication styles of team members, individuals can adapt their style and methods of communication to improve collaboration and work more effectively towards their Six Sigma goals

Assertive Communication 

It refers to a direct and confident approach to communication that is characterized by clearly expressing opinions, needs, and boundaries while respecting the opinions and needs of others. Individuals with a “driver” style often use this communication style (A direct and assertive approach to communication characterizes this style). 

In a Six Sigma team, assertive communication can be beneficial in several ways:

  • Clarity
  • Efficiency
  • Problem-solving
  • Team Dynamics

It is important to note that assertive communication should not be confused with aggressive communication, which is characterized by a confrontational approach that disregards the needs and opinions of others. In a Six Sigma team, assertive communication is balanced with respect for the opinions and needs of others. It is used to achieve common goals collaboratively and effectively.

Aggressive Communication 

This style refers to a type of communication in which an individual is assertive, authoritative, and often intimidating in their approach. In a Six Sigma team, aggressive communication can disrupt the team’s dynamics and hinder its ability to achieve its goals. 

It can also create a negative atmosphere and lower morale, negatively impacting the team’s performance. An aggressive communication style can also cause conflicts and hinder the team’s ability to reach a consensus, which is important in the Six Sigma methodology. Therefore, it’s recommended that team members use a more collaborative and respectful approach to Six Sigma communication in a team.

Passive Communication 

Passive communication is where an individual avoids expressing their opinions and needs, often due to fear of conflict or rejection. In a Six Sigma team, passive communication can prevent the team from effectively exchanging information and ideas. 

This can lead to misunderstandings and limit the team’s ability to achieve its goals. Additionally, passive communication can prevent team members from effectively contributing their expertise and perspectives, leading to suboptimal solutions.

In a Six Sigma team, team members must express their opinions and concerns clearly and assertively. This helps ensure that all perspectives are considered and that the team can make informed decisions. 

In addition, by avoiding passive communication, team members can collaborate more effectively and achieve better results in their Six Sigma projects.

Effective Communication

Effective communication refers to the type of Six Sigma communication in which individuals express their thoughts, opinions, and ideas clearly and assertively while also being open to feedback and other perspectives. 

In a Six Sigma team, effective communication is crucial for achieving the team’s goals and ensuring that all members are aligned and working towards the same objective. Therefore, an effective communication style in a Six Sigma team should be:

  • Clear: Team members should use clear language and avoid ambiguity to prevent misunderstandings
  • Assertive: Team members should express their opinions and needs confidently and respectfully
  • Collaborative: Team members should actively listen to other’s perspectives and work together to find common ground and make informed decisions
  • Respectful: Team members should treat each other respectfully and avoid aggressive or passive communication styles that can hinder team dynamics

By adopting an effective communication style, Six Sigma teams can work together more effectively, achieve better results, and create a positive and productive team environment.

Developing Strong Six Sigma Communication Skills

Developing Strong Six Sigma Communication Skills

It refers to improving one’s ability to effectively express thoughts, opinions, and ideas and actively listen to others and understand their perspectives. Strong communication skills are essential for personal and professional success and can improve relationships, foster collaboration, and increase productivity.

To develop strong Six Sigma communication skills, individuals can:

  • Practice Active Listening: Pay close attention to what others are saying, ask questions, and show that you understand their perspective
  • Improve Verbal Communication: Practice speaking, avoiding ambiguity, and expressing opinions and needs assertively
  • Enhance Non-verbal Communication: Pay attention to body language, eye contact, and other nonverbal cues, and use them to convey messages effectively
  • Read and Write Effectively: Improve writing skills to effectively convey ideas in emails, reports, and other written communications
  • Practice Empathy: Try to understand others perspectives and feelings and respond to them in a respectful and understanding manner

Developing strong communication skills requires ongoing effort and practice but can positively impact many aspects of life.

Enroll in Invensis Learning’s Quality Management courses and master the technique of building effective communication in the team!

Communication Techniques for Six Sigma Teams

Six Sigma teams require effective communication to achieve their goals and reach their objectives. Several communication techniques can be used to improve communication in a Six Sigma team:

Team Meetings and Workshops

Team meetings and workshops are important communication techniques used in Six Sigma teams. They provide a platform for team members to exchange information, discuss progress, resolve issues, and make decisions. 

Team meetings can be scheduled regularly and take various forms, including project status meetings, progress update meetings, and problem-solving meetings. Workshops can be used to address specific issues or topics more intensely, allowing team members to work together to find solutions or make decisions.

Effective team meetings and workshops require clear agendas, well-structured discussions, and active participation from all team members. They should be well-facilitated, with a clear focus on achieving specific outcomes and making decisions. 

By using team meetings and workshops effectively, Six Sigma teams can ensure that all team members are aligned, informed, and engaged in the project, which can lead to improved results and project outcomes.

One-on-One Communication

One-on-one communication is between two individuals, usually conducted in a private setting. For example, in a Six Sigma team, one-on-one communication allows team members to discuss specific issues or concerns, provide feedback, and build relationships. One-on-one communication can be especially useful for:

  • Resolving Conflicts: Allows team members to discuss specific issues and find solutions in a private setting, without the pressure of a group setting
  • Providing Feedback: Allows individuals to give and receive feedback on their performance, ideas, or other aspects of their work in a private and safe environment
  • Building Relationships: Helps team members to get to know each other better, build trust, and foster a positive team dynamic

One-on-one communication can be conducted in person or via phone or video conferencing and should be structured with a clear agenda and specific goals. 

Using one-on-one communication effectively, Six Sigma teams can ensure that individual team members are heard and understood, leading to improved results and project outcomes.

Written Communication 

It is a form of communication that uses written text to convey information and messages. In a Six Sigma team, written communication is an important tool for conveying information, documenting decisions and progress, and ensuring everyone are on the same page. 

Some examples of written communication in a Six Sigma team include:

  • Emails: Used to convey information and updates to team members quickly or to follow up on discussions from team meetings
  • Project Plans and Reports: Detailed documentation outlines the goals, tasks, timelines, and expected outcomes of a project
  • Meeting Minutes: A record of the key points and decisions made during a team meeting

Written communication should be clear, concise, and well-structured, focusing on accuracy and readability. It is important to ensure that all team members have access to written materials and that they are reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the latest information and progress. 

Using written communication effectively, Six Sigma teams can ensure that everyone is informed and up-to-date, leading to improved results and project outcomes.

Teleconferencing and Video Conferencing

Teleconferencing and video conferencing are communication techniques that allow team members to connect and communicate with each other remotely. In a Six Sigma team, teleconferencing and video conferencing can be used for regular meetings, workshops, or one-on-one conversations. 

In addition, they can be a convenient and effective way to communicate when team members are located in different geographic locations.

Teleconferencing involves using a telephone or audio-only technology to connect with other team members. Video conferencing uses video and audio technology to provide a more immersive and interactive experience. Both techniques can be used to:

  • Foster Team Collaboration: By allowing team members to communicate and work together in real-time, even when they are located in different geographic locations
  • Increase Accessibility: By making it easier for team members to participate in meetings and discussions, regardless of their location
  • Save Time and Travel Costs: By eliminating the need for travel, teleconferencing and video conferencing can save time and reduce travel costs

Overcoming Communication Barriers in Six Sigma Teams

In a Six Sigma team, effective communication is critical to success, but various barriers can prevent team members from effectively communicating with each other. Therefore, overcoming these communication barriers is crucial to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the team. Some common communication barriers in Six Sigma teams include:

  • Language and Cultural Differences: Team members from different cultural or linguistic backgrounds may have different communication styles and expectations, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
  • Different Levels of Understanding: Team members may have different levels of technical knowledge or expertise, which can lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in conveying complex information.
  • Inadequate Communication Channels: Teams may need the right communication channels, such as regular meetings or email updates, which can make it difficult for team members to communicate effectively.
  • Resistance to Change: Some team members may resist change or new ideas, which can lead to difficulties communicating and implementing new processes or approaches.

To overcome these communication barriers, Six Sigma teams can adopt various strategies, including:

  • Encouraging Open and Honest Communication: Teams should establish an open and supportive environment where members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns.
  • Training and Support: Teams can provide training and support to help members develop effective communication skills, such as active listening and conflict resolution.
  • Encouraging Collaboration and Teamwork: Teams should encourage team members to work together and collaborate on projects, which can help build relationships and foster a positive team dynamic.
  • Implementing Clear Communication Channels: Teams should establish clear communication channels, such as regular meetings, email updates, and one-on-one conversations, to ensure that all team members are informed and engaged.

By overcoming communication barriers, Six Sigma teams can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their work and achieve better results and project outcomes.


Effective Six Sigma communication is key to the success of a Six Sigma team. Various communication techniques can be used to ensure that team members are informed and engaged, including team meetings and workshops, one-on-one communication, written communication, teleconferencing, and video conferencing. 

To overcome communication barriers, such as language and cultural differences and resistance to change, teams should create an open and supportive environment, provide training and support, encourage collaboration, and establish clear communication channels. 

By effectively communicating with each other, Six Sigma teams can achieve their goals, improve efficiency and project outcomes, and ultimately drive success.

Want to grow your quality management career? Then opt for Six Sigma Certification. Six Sigma certification provides individuals with valuable skills and knowledge that are in high demand by many employers, increasing their job opportunities. 

So, enroll in Invensis Learning Six Sigma Certification to uplift your career.

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Jacob Gillingham is an Incident Manager with 10+ years of experience in the ITSM domain. He possesses varied experience in managing large IT projects globally. With his expertise in the IT service management domain, currently, he is helping an SMB in their transition from ITIL v3 to ITIL 4. Jacob is a voracious reader and an excellent writer, where he covers topics that revolve around ITIL, VeriSM, SIAM, and other vital frameworks in IT Service Management. His blogs will help you to gain knowledge and enhance your career growth in the IT service management industry.


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